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发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2017-07-11   浏览次数:482



时间:2017716 10:30-11:30 


题目:Existence of solutions for Schrodinger systems with linear and   nonlinear couplings 

摘要:We are concerned with the important system of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with linear and  nonlinear couplings which arises from Bose-Einstein condensates, we prove  phase segregation results of the limit competition case, we use variational methods to prove the existence of ground state and bound state solutions of the systems, and use bifurcation theory to get structure of positive solutions. We give  some partial symmetry results of positive solutions by Morse index and obtain existence and uniqueness of positive solution via synchronized solution techniques etc.


报告人简介:张志涛,男,出生于196911日,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员、博士生导师,洪堡学者,国家杰出青年基金获得者(2013年)。主要从事临界点理论及对非线性偏微分方程的应用,非线性算子不动点理论及应用,生物竞争方程组研究等,在 Journal of Functional AnalysisAnnales de l'Institut Henri Poincare Analyse Non LineaireJ. Differential EquationsCalculus of Variations and PDE, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society等国际著名学术刊物发表论文50多篇,在困难的自由边界问题与生物竞争方程组周期解问题,拟线性椭圆问题,Schrodinger算子的Fučik谱,Monge-Ampere 方程,Ambrosetti-Prodi 问题,Caffarelli- Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities相关问题,Kirchhoff 型非局部问题等众多方面取得重要成果, 解决了一些困难的公开问题和猜想。