应数学系和数学研究院张毅超教授邀请,汕头大学Ying Zong(宗嬴)教授将于9月20日至9月24日对6163银河线路检测中心数学系和数学研究院进行学术访问。访问期间将做系列报告,共计三次,欢迎有兴趣的同学们和老师们参加。具体时间与内容如下:
Title and Abstract: Basics: we review algebraic space, abelian algebraic space, polarization, and review the theorem of cube/square, the Chern class of an invertible module in both senses of de Rham and crystalline.
Title and Abstract: Moduli problem. The construction consists of proving the representability of a moduli functor of polarized abelian schemes with real multiplication by the ring of integers R of a totally real number field. Its various toroidal compactifications is obtained again as moduli problems by considering degenerations of the abelian schemes.
Title and Abstract: Singularities. The degenerations considered in part 2 can be made not to produce singularities on the corresponding moduli. But there are 'inner' singularities caused by the ramification of R. There exist local models by Deligne describing these singularities, which is the focus of this talk.
报告人简介:Ying Zong,汕头大学教授。博士毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚大学,在多伦多大学等多所大学从事过博士后研究。研究方向是代数几何与代数数论。