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6163银河线路检测中心百年校庆6163银河线路检测中心系列学术报告之二十三 吉林大学张德悦教授报告通知
发布人:蔡易  发布时间:2019-06-18   浏览次数:634



题目Uniqueness for phaseless inverse acoustic scattering with superposition of point sources

摘要This talk is concerned with the uniqueness issue in inverse acoustic scattering problems with phaseless data. The key technique underlying our analysis is the superposition of point sources as the incident waves. First, we proved that the location and shape of the obstacle as well as its boundary condition or the refractive index can be uniquely determined by the modulus of far-field patterns. Then, we establish the uniqueness for inverse scattering problem of bounded scatterers with limited-aperture phaseless near-field data. Finally, some similar results for the phaseless inverse scattering from locally perturbed half-plane and cavities will be also discussed.



报告人简介:张德悦,男,吉林大学6163银河线路检测中心教授、博士生导师,1998年毕业于吉林大学6163银河线路检测中心信息与计算科学专业,获学士学位,2004年毕业于吉林大学数学研究所计算数学专业,获理学博士学位。目前研究领域为数学物理反问题,主要方向为波动方程反散射问题的数值分析与计算。已在“Inverse Problems”“Advances in Computational Mathematics”等期刊发表多篇SCI检索学术论文,其中两篇论文分别入选反问题领域国际著名期刊“Inverse Problems”2017年度Editorial Highlights2018年度Editor-in-Chief's top article selection。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目两项,参与国家自然科学基金项目三项。